Ye Qi
Dr Ye Qi is Cheung Kong Professor of Environmental Policy at Tsinghua University School of Public Policy and Management, and Director of the Climate Policy Initiative at Tsinghua and Director of Brookings Tsinghua Center for Public Policy. He serves on the Science Steering Committee of the Global Carbon Project.
Dr Qi advises governments, NGO’s and international organizations on climate change and environmental policy issues. Before he returned to China, he taught Environmental Science, Policy and Management at University of California, Berkeley from 1996 through 2003. Dr Qi received his PhD in Environmental Science in 1994 from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry and from Syracuse University, and conducted research at University of California, San Diego and Cornell University.
Dr Qi’s research focuses on climate and environmental policy and governance. He publishes extensively on climate change science and environmental policy. His books include “Environmental Governance in China,” and four volumes of “Annual Review of Low Carbon Development.”