Modupe Adefeso-Olateju
Modupe Adefeso-Olateju is a policy expert specializing in public-private partnerships in education. She is managing director of the Education Partnership Centre, Nigeria’s pioneering education partnership organization. Modupe leads the design and implementation of large-scale household assessments of learning in Nigeria and works in partnership with governments and the non-state sector to promote evidence-based policymaking and practice.
Modupe convenes the annual education innovation summit and co-convened Nigeria’s national education conference hosted by the Federal Ministry of Education in 2018 and 2019. She wrote a section of the nation’s strategic plan for education (2011-2015). She previously worked with the education sector support program in Nigeria (a £140m partnership program between the UK and Nigerian governments), with Accenture, a global management consultancy firm, and Junior Achievement of Nigeria, a non-profit economic education organization. Modupe serves on the advisory committee of Brookings Institutions’ Millions Learning program and as a trustee of four non-profits. As a Centenary Scholar (Africa), she received a PhD in education and international development from the Institute of Education, University College London.
Modupe is committed to helping Africa reap the demographic dividends of a youth population that is expected to swell to 1.2 billion by 2050. Her research as an AsiaGlobal Fellow will address the question: What can Africa learn from Asia about mainstreaming innovation in the education policy-planning process?