Yoshikazu Kato
Yoshikazu Kato is currently adjunct associate professor at Asia Global Institute, the University of Hong Kong. He is also a research fellow at the Charhar Institute and columnist for the New York Times Chinese edition. He was a visiting lecturer at School of Journalism, Fudan University; a visiting researcher at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus Institute; a Rajawali Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School; a fellow at Harvard Asia Center; a visiting scholar at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies; and a visiting professor at the School of International Studies at Liaoning University. His articles have appeared in the Financial Times Chinese edition, Yazhou Zhoukan (Hong Kong), Nikkei Asian Review, Diamond Online, Nikkei Business Online and Southern Weekly, among others. He holds B.A and M.A in International Relations from Peking University, and is the author of How Will China Democratize? (Japanese, 2015; Korean 2018), Patriotic Slaves (Traditional Chinese, 2011), The Logic Of China (Simplified and Traditional Chinese, 2010),The Japan Dream (Simplified Chinese, co-author with Col. Liu Mingfu, 2016; Japanese 2018) and How Xi Jinping Deals with Trump – China’s global strategy and Japan’s Choice (Japanese, 2017), among other works.